- epistasisGA::caseGenotypes for the affected children of case-parent triads.
- epistasisGA::case.gxeGenotypes for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
- epistasisGA::case.mciGenotypes for the affected cases of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
- epistasisGA::dadGenotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads.
- epistasisGA::dad.gxeGenotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
- epistasisGA::dad.mciGenotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
- epistasisGA::exposureExposures for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
- epistasisGA::momGenotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads.
- epistasisGA::mom.gxeGenotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
- epistasisGA::mom.mciGenotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
- epistasisGA::snp.annotationsRSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
- epistasisGA::snp.annotations.mciRSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
- metabomxtr::euMetabCDataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
- metabomxtr::euMetabDataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
- metabomxtr::metabdataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data