1. epistasisGA::case
    Genotypes for the affected children of case-parent triads.
  2. epistasisGA::case.gxe
    Genotypes for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  3. epistasisGA::case.mci
    Genotypes for the affected cases of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  4. epistasisGA::dad
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads.
  5. epistasisGA::dad.gxe
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  6. epistasisGA::dad.mci
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  7. epistasisGA::exposure
    Exposures for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
  8. epistasisGA::mom
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads.
  9. epistasisGA::mom.gxe
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  10. epistasisGA::mom.mci
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  11. epistasisGA::snp.annotations
    RSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
  12. epistasisGA::snp.annotations.mci
    RSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
  13. metabomxtr::euMetabCData
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
  14. metabomxtr::euMetabData
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
  15. metabomxtr::metabdata
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data